Brian Weir has been District Treasurer for the Tuxedo Union Free School District since July 2023, responsible for running the Business Office and overseeing all business related matters for the District. This includes budget and finance, purchasing, accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, benefits, facilities, school lunch, and transportation.
In that short time, Weir has come to love the small “family-feeling” environment Tuxedo provides. Prior to making the transition to education, he spent 8 ½ years at Andersen, a public accounting firm in New York City. Weir says his work in the Tuxedo Business Office gives him more fulfillment. “I get to do work that directly affects the students. I’m helping the district maximize the budget and spend as much money as possible on curriculum and education.”
Understanding that a school’s success depends not only on current quality of education, one of Weir’s primary goals is to develop and update long-term building and financial plans to support future educational initiatives and facility maintenance.
In Weir’s brief time running the Business Office, he says the department has worked hard to streamline procedures.
When it comes to operating in the public sector, Weir believes transparency is paramount. “I don’t want any business decision made behind closed doors.” In an effort to remain open with the community, he says he and his team have been diligent about getting all of their reports posted to BoardDocs every month for review by the Board of Education and the public.
What will Weir’s focus be as he moves forward? “I am eager to help the District be the best it can be overall. My objective is to enable our students to receive a high-quality education utilizing cutting edge technology and curriculum, while also continuing to streamline our financial processes, and ensuring fiscal compliance.“