
When asked what subject he likes best, GFB junior Bromley Givens hesitates before  answering. “I am interested in all of them,” he says finally. “It makes it tough when I think about choosing a college.”

He excels at all of them too. Most recently, he was awarded the University of Rochester's Bausch and Lomb Science Award, recognizing outstanding achievement and superior intellectual promise in the field of science.  His science teacher, Bryan Roessel, says that Bromley is “inquisitive and curious, and those characteristics are suited to doing well in science.” His social studies teacher, Ryan Fitzsimmons, describes him as “diligent and thoughtful” and though he is quiet in class, he quickly takes on a leadership role when the students work in small groups. 

It’s only fitting that Bromley was chosen as one of two students who were interviewed for “Humans of the World,” a  Britalians TV documentary series that is filming an episode about Tuxedo. “It was really interesting to see how it all worked.”

Outside of school, Bromley also crushes the community service goals that members of National Honor Society (NHS) must fulfill, thanks to his work with the Tuxedo Trail Angels—a group of residents from Tuxedo and Tuxedo Park who deliver fresh water to the Appalachian Trail, which passes through the northern part of Tuxedo on its 2,100-mile path from Georgia to Maine.  “My dad got me involved and I love hiking, so I was happy to help.  I hope to hike the Appalachian Trail myself one day."

But for now, Bromley is focused on his upcoming senior year. He plans to run cross-country and apply to colleges that will support his wide range of interests.  But wherever the future takes him, Bromley will look back at his years at TUFSD fondly.  “I have loved the small school atmosphere here.  It’s been a great learning environment, and I’ve really enjoyed getting to know all of my teachers.”