The video recording of the 4/30/20 Special Board of Education Meeting is now available on the district website.
over 4 years ago, Tuxedo UFSD
Governor Cuomo has announced that schools will be closed for the remainder of the academic year (June 30, 2020) and distance learning will continue. The Board of Regents will be meeting on Monday and Tuesday, we will update you with additional information next week.
over 4 years ago, Tuxedo UFSD
Happy Friday! In case you missed GFB's morning announcements, here is a message from Ms. Scariano!
over 4 years ago, Tuxedo UFSD
Today and this week, we recognize and show appreciation for our School Lunch Hero’s and Bus Drivers who just so happen to be the same people for the most part in our fabulous district! These individuals go above and beyond every day to keep our students fed and transported safely. Now, more than ever, we have depended on this team of amazing individuals to continue to feed our students daily with door to door service. Not all hero’s wear capes! We are Tuxedo and we ALL thank YOU! Please remember to thank this incredible team today.
over 4 years ago, Tuxedo UFSD
School Lunch
The PTO is organizing a parade for GGM and GFB teachers next week to recognize our teachers!
over 4 years ago, Tuxedo UFSD
teacher appreciation
Good morning from GGM! Wednesday, April 29th morning announcements from Principal, Mr. Brown. Please follow this link to watch today’s news:
over 4 years ago, Tuxedo UFSD
Mr. Brown
Good morning from GGM! April 28 morning announcements from Principal, Mr. Brown. Please follow this link to watch today’s news:
over 4 years ago, Tuxedo UFSD
Mr Brown
The Tuxedo Union Free School District Board of Education will hold a Special Meeting and Budget Workshop this Thursday, April 30th at 7pm. Please see attached notice for more information.
over 4 years ago, Tuxedo UFSD
Good morning from GGM! April 27th Morning Announcements from Principal, Mr. Brown. Please follow this link to access the morning news:
over 4 years ago, Tuxedo UFSD
Mr. Brown
COVID-19 Update #12 Letter from Mr. Bohlke, Superintendent of Schools
over 4 years ago, Tuxedo UFSD
The video recording of the April 16, 2020 Regular Board of Education Meeting is now available on the district website.
over 4 years ago, Tuxedo UFSD
Tuxedo Celebrates Administrative Professionals Day! Today is Administrative Professionals Day, and the Tuxedo Union Free School District would like to recognize our fabulous support staff who have truly gotten us through these trying times! Whether that be facilitating positive communications with students their parents and families, or ensuring staff have everything they need, these individuals go above & beyond every day. We are Tuxedo, and we ALL thank you; Mary, Matt, Lynda, Arlene, Krissy, Bernice, and Lori! Please see attached presentation recognizing these wonderful individuals, and don’t forget to thank them today for all that they do.
over 4 years ago, Tuxedo UFSD
Every year the Tuxedo NHS and NJHS supports Leukemia and Lymphoma research and this year we are doing it with a TikTok challenge! Follow the instructions on this flyer and donations can be made using this link:
almost 5 years ago, Tuxedo UFSD
Tik Tok Flyer
The Board of Education Regular Meeting on Thursday, April 16th, 2020 at 7pm will be held remotely by teleconference. Attendees will be in listen-only mode and there will be no opportunity for public comment. The decision to meet via teleconference has been made in accordance with Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order 202 relating to COVID-19. The meeting can be accessed using this link: Please note that the teleconference will be recorded, transcribed and a recording will be made available on the district website. Agenda:
almost 5 years ago, Tuxedo UFSD
The Tuxedo Union Free School District appreciates all the healthcare workers, first responders, firefighters, police, and all those essential workers who are making this time a little easier for the rest of us. As our fifth year of Spring Window Painting has been affected by school closures, we unfortunately couldn't have students from the district helping to paint. After getting input from students online, Mark Stankiewicz, the visual arts teacher at George F. Baker Upper School, and his wife, Samantha, completed window paintings at George Grant Mason Lower School and The Orange Top diner. The sentiments from his students were broken down to easy statements and visual images. The Orange Top Diner has been so supportive of the student’s artwork over the years. #tuxedoproud
almost 5 years ago, Tuxedo UFSD
Window Painting
Window Painting 2
Window Painting 3
Window Painting 4
The Board of Education Regular Meeting on Thursday, April 16th, 2020 at 7pm will be held remotely by teleconference. The link to the meeting will be made available soon. Here is the agenda for Thursday’s meeting: PLEASE ALSO NOTE: The May 19th Budget Vote and Board Election has been postponed until after June 1st. Additional information will be provided when available.
almost 5 years ago, Tuxedo UFSD
"Thank you Tuxedo community! This past week, the Upper School’s chapters of the National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society created and collected over 200 cards for healthcare workers at Good Samaritan Hospital in Suffern, NY. The cards will be delivered along with goodies for employees at the hospital. Special thanks to GGM students, the GFB Student Council, and Mr.Stankiewicz’s art classes for their contributions. Thank you to Mr. Takeuchi for printing our digital cards and to Ms.Jones for her support with this project. Stay safe! -Madison Spivak, NHS VP of Service "
almost 5 years ago, Tuxedo UFSD
Spivak Cards
Free Internet Service Providers in our area. / Spanish
almost 5 years ago, Tuxedo UFSD
COVID-19 Update #10 Letter from Mr. Bohlke, Superintendent of Schools
almost 5 years ago, Tuxedo UFSD
The video recording of the April 2, 2020 Regular Board of Education Meeting is now available on our district website. Due to COVID-19 this meeting was held as a video conference.
almost 5 years ago, Tuxedo UFSD